Does Diabetes Affect Our Oral Health?

Diabetes is a huge problem in many parts of the world, including Canada. It is estimated that there are 11.7 million Canadians living with diabetes or pre-diabetes, and that number is continuing to grow. Diabetes is a medical condition that affects blood sugar. It also affects vision and can lead to kidney failure, heart failure, heart […]

Dealing with Tooth Abscesses in North Vancouver

In an ideal world, nobody would have to suffer from painful dental issues. Nobody would get a toothache or abscess. Unfortunately, these issues do happen, though, making it hard for people to live their daily lives without pain. Eating becomes difficult. Even the strongest medications may not take away the pain. This is why we […]

How Do Medications Affect Our Oral Health?

How do medications affect our oral health? The status of our teeth and gums can depend on many factors. What we eat and how we care for our teeth are important factors. However, some people don’t think about how the medications they take affect their mouth. Prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and vitamins can all affect […]

Women’s Hormones and Their Effects on Oral Health

Hormones play a key role in our lives. They regulate many of our daily functions and affect hundreds of bodily processes such as blood sugar, blood pressure, metabolism, growth, fertility, sex drive, and sleep. Hormones also influence how we think and act every day. Hormones also affect oral health, especially for women. Estrogen and progesterone […]

Oral Health and Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, you have another life to take care of. Pregnant women will often go to great lengths to stop smoking and drinking and eating healthier, all for a healthy baby. However, pregnant women have to remember to take care of themselves as well. This means improving their oral health. Pregnancy causes increased levels […]

How to choose the most appropriate Type of filling for your Teeth

Almost all of us have had a cavity at some point in our lives. Cavities occur when the enamel, which is the hard outer layer of the tooth, gets damaged. Small holes are made into the tooth. Bacteria, sugary foods and drinks, and poor oral hygiene can all cause cavities. However, plaque is the main […]

Can Your Oral Health Have Effects on Your Pregnancy 

When you’re pregnant, you have another life to take care of. Pregnant women will often go to great lengths to stop smoking and drinking and eating healthier, all for a healthy baby. However, pregnant women have to remember to take care of themselves as well. This means improving their oral health. Pregnancy causes increased levels […]

How to Choose the Appropriate Type of Dental Filling for Your Teeth

Almost all of us have had a cavity at some point in our lives. Cavities occur when the enamel, which is the hard outer layer of the tooth, gets damaged. Small holes are made into the tooth. Bacteria, sugary foods and drinks, and poor oral hygiene can all cause cavities. However, plaque is the main […]

Your Guide to Dental Emergencies in British Columbia

You cracked a tooth after a fall. Your child got a tooth knocked out while playing sports, Or you’re suffering from a toothache from an abscessed tooth. Dental emergencies can happen at any time. What do you do when they happen? Call and schedule treatment right away. Contact the team at Blue Sky Dental. Our North Vancouver emergency dentist strives […]

Aging and Dental Health

Getting older means changes to the body. The mouth is no exception. As we age, our bodies go through various changes that affect tissue and bone in the mouth and increase the risk for oral health problems. These changes include: Cells renew at a slower rate. Tissues become thinner. Bones become weaker and less dense. The […]