The Canada Dental Benefit makes Dental Care Accessible for every Canadian

Dental care should be a priority for everyone. After all, without teeth, it’s hard to eat, chew, and speak. Plus, damaged or missing teeth can negatively impact your smile. However, there are reasons why people don’t go to the dentist. While many are simply scared to go, one of the biggest issues is their inability to afford the cost of some dental procedures. Without insurance, dental care can be costly, even as simple as dental cleaning, let alone major dental work. While money can be a major issue for some patients in Canada, the federal government is looking to fix that and make dental care more accessible for everyone. In March 2022, the Canada Dental Benefit was created to increase access to dental care for Canadian families with annual household incomes of under $90,000. Phase 1 started in September 2022, with dental care available for children under 12 years old in households with no access to private dental insurance and an adjusted net income of $90,000 per year. The second phase began July 1, 2023. Until June 30, 2024, families can get the financial support for their children who are 11 years old or under as of July 1, 2023. The Canada Dental Benefit can be used for any oral health care provided by a licensed oral health professional. You must receive an official receipt in order to be compensated for these services.

What is Coverage under Canada Benefit?

Coverage under the Canada Dental Benefit is based on income. The lower the household income, the more benefit you will receive. Payments range from $260 to $650.
  • $650 is provided for each eligible child if the household’s adjusted net income is under $70,000.
  • $390 is provided for each eligible child if the household’s adjusted net income ranges from $70,000 and $79,999.
  • $260 is provided for each eligible child if the household’s adjusted net income is between $80,000 and $89,999.
Applicants must apply for the Canada Dental Benefit for each benefit period if they wish to retain benefits. Eligible families cannot retroactively apply for the first benefit period once the deadline has passed. However, a household that has not applied for the first benefit period can apply for the second benefit period.

Who is eligible to the Canada benefit?

On top of the age restriction and income limit, applicants will need to make sure they have filed the previous year’s income tax and currently receive the Canada Child Benefit for their eligible child in order to receive the Canada Dental Benefit. Children under 12 who are currently covered by provincial or territorial programs are still eligible for the Canada Dental Benefit if their families are paying out of pocket expenses for dental care services and if their family meets all of the criteria to qualify for the benefit.

Contact Our North Vancouver Dentist Today

Have dental benefits? Make sure you use them timely or you could lose them. Don’t miss out on free or reduced price dental care for you and your family. At Blue Sky Dental, we aim for positive patient experiences. We hope to earn the trust of you and your family. Schedule an appointment today to learn more. Fill out the online form or call 604-971-6999.

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Are you a good candidate for Invisalign? Contact Blue Sky Dental today and find out for yourself. We can assess your mouth and help you understand your options. We are open Saturdays for your convenience. To request an appointment, call (604) 971-6999.